Healing Memories: Dealing With The Pain of The Past

Do you have, or did have, any painful memories? Some event from the past was painful and quite possibly has “left a mark” on your soul? Some memories keep coming back over time – those are “recurring” or prolonged memories. Or, you might have recurring dreams that are almost identical or different but the main point or theme is the same every time. These might well be signals from Jesus that it is time for some deep healing to deal with the
“pain of the past” that is imbedded in those memories.

In healing and transforming prayer, the past events will not change. They are “historical facts” in your life journey. However, their impact upon you in the present can be changed and you will find that the memories will stop recurring. You might also experience physical and mental healing where there are “unprocessed” forgiveness issues as well as “toxic waste of the soul” often behind chronic illnesses.

How might Jesus and His Spirit take you through a healing encounter to deal with those memories and thus the effects of the past event(s)? In this video teaching I cover some causes and symptoms of painful memories but most significantly “steps or approaches” that I have seen Jesus do in healing and transforming prayer. The focus is not on some psychotherapeutic system but rather on what can happen when we wait upon Jesus, the Lord of time and creation who is the wisdom of God. The focus is never on steps as part of any system, but rather we follow the “steps of Jesus” which are different and unique for each person in each prayer session. Never technique, always highly relational.

This video is an excerpt from a Zoom healing and transforming prayer conference given to Immanuel Baptist Church in Toronto during the fall of 2020. Although the focus of the video is on training prayer teams in this ministry, anyone desiring healing from the pain of the past should find this teaching helpful.

Author: Dieter K Mulitze, PhD

Dieter has written three books on the ministry of transforming and healing prayer. One of Dieter’s main roles in this ministry is teaching the seminar series and speaking at conferences. Dieter’s three books serve to articulate and strengthen the theology and practice of the ministry of transforming prayer for the whole person. Dieter graduated from the U. of Guelph (BSc) and holds a PhD in quantitative genetics from the U. of Saskatchewan. Dieter was an associate professor with the University of Nebraska, and has co-authored scientific papers in several professional journals. He is a graduate of Regent College, Vancouver, B.C., with the Master of Christian Studies (MCS) degree, concentrating in spiritual theology. Dieter has served as an elder in a number of churches. Dieter is bi-vocational, serving as the Chief Scientific Officer for Agronomix Software, a software development company which develops, distributes and supports a software application for plant breeders and agronomists worldwide. With his experience in the corporate world, Dieter has also taught on the theology of work. Dieter is no stranger to international travel – having lived in Syria and Morocco for a total of 6 years and travelling to over 50 countries worldwide for business or ministry. Dieter and his wife Ellen live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. They have one daughter, Karissa, who lives in France with her husband and children.