The Technical Mindset and Spirituality

We live in a technological world, and the technical mindset has impacted us more than we realize. There are even psychological and spiritual techniques. The technical mindset has also invaded ministry, including healing and transforming prayer. The consequences are huge but rarely appreciated or clearly understood.

Forgiveness: Necessary But Not Always Easy

We all need to extend forgiveness and at times receive forgiveness – life is not possible without it. Unforgiveness can compromise health, prevent restored relationships and lead to hardness of heart. But forgiveness can be difficult, especially when the hurts are deep. Do you find it hard to forgive someone or maybe even forgive yourself?

Understanding Christ’s Healing Presence

The Presence of Christ is central and absolutely necessary for the ministry of healing and transforming prayer. No method, no technique, no analysis, no system – a complete “paradigm shift”. Then the questions become – what are the sorts of things that Jesus does when he “shows up”? How do we discern His voice and his true presence? An audio message seeks to answer these questions along with examples from ministry sessions.